MacWorld 1999 July
Macworld (1999-07).dmg
Shareware World
For Developers
Mops 3.4.sea
Mops source
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350 lines
\ 15May93 DBH Change echovec per mrh. Separate TEScroller and TEwind code
\ into different files. Implement lineEnd: method in intepret:
\ 14May93 DBH Dropped new: and test: methods.
\ Added enable: and disable: methods
\ Reworked interpret: to eliminate local variables.
\ Made theTEScroller an ivar. Lock: and unlock: buffer in interpret:
\ 11May93 DBH NewEventLoop -> quitvec.
\ Handle tabs as 4 spaces. Make code independent of QEinit file.
\ 19May93 mrh Made theTEscroller a subview. Added theStack.
\ Sept93 mrh revised for new controls scheme.
\ Mar94 mrh adapted for TWstr (buffer for output to TW). Added INITFONT
\ to DS: in StackView.
\ Oct 97 mrh updated for PowerMops.
need TEScroller
\ need alert
false value drawStack? \ set true when we do something that means
\ the stack display needs to be redrawn
TEscroller theTEscroller
: TESizeCheck ( n -- ) \ The 2.4 alert was too much of a pest. Now
32000 > \ we just quietly delete some text from the
\ front.
0 2000 setSelect: theTEscroller
clear: theTEscroller
32000 dup setSelect: theTEscroller
\ support for interpretation
: skip1
1 skip: QEstr ;
: special>bl \ 12Dec98 DBH
pos: QEstr lim: QEstr
len: QEstr
1st: QEstr
CASE[ 13 ]=> skip1 \ DO NOT replace cr's 23Jan94 DBH
[ 0 31 RANGE]=> 32 chovwr: QEstr
DEFAULT=> drop skip1
>lim: QEstr >pos: QEstr
: EvalFromQE { \ ret? -- }
\ Evaluates contents of QEstr.
reset: QEstr
len: QEstr
ret chsearch: QEstr -> ret?
special>bl \ 12Dec98 DBH put it back in, solves tab problem
true -> drawStack? \ Set stack display to draw on next idle
lock: QEstr
get: QEstr evaluate
unlock: QEstr
step: QEstr
ret? negate skip: QEstr
prompt? fWind? or IF ok THEN
prompt? IF cr THEN \ prompt & cr if required
\ StackView is a view which just displays the top few stack cells.
\ A possible problem is that at the time of call, Mops may have a
\ variable number of its own quantities on the stack, depending on the
\ circumstances of the call. We avoid this by defining the standard
\ DRAW: method to do nothing, and actually do the drawing at regular
\ intervals on an idle event, which generally has the same number of
\ Mops' quantities on the stack (currently 2). We do a few tricks to
\ avoid unnecessary drawing so the view doesn't flicker too much. We
\ only draw if the depth has changed since the last idle, or if the
\ value drawStack? has been set true, which happens when we interpret
\ something (and we set it back false ready for next time).
0 value lastDepth
0 value idleCnt
: .S+
." Stack: "
depth 0< IF ." underflow" EXIT THEN
depth NIF ." empty" EXIT THEN
." depth " depth . cr
sp@ depth 1- FOR dup .cell cr 4+ NEXT drop ;
:class STACKVIEW super{ view }
:m DS: { \ svPort -- } \ Does the main work for DRAWSTACK:.
\ First, if it's time to draw the stack, we make sure we've flushed
\ any pending output in the main view.
\ Now let's draw that stack...
pushPort -> svPort \ Port could be anything, so we have to
get: ^myWind set: class_as> window \ save and restore
initFont \ Ensure font is right
depth -> lastDepth
get: viewRect swap 15 - swap put: tempRect
draw: tempRect \ Draw a frame
1 1 inset: tempRect
addr: tempRect ClipRect
clear: tempRect
10 10 gotoxy .s+
[ ppc? ] [if]
\ getbotx: tempRect 2/ negate 0 setOrigin
\ 10 10 gotoxy ." FP stack: "
\ 0 0 setOrigin
\ include FP stack if on PPC
noClip \ Easier than saving and restoring!
svPort popPort ;m
:m DRAW: true -> drawStack? ;m
:m DRAWSTACK: { x1 -- x1 } \ 30Apr94 DBH, one less stack item to manage.
IF \ We've been told to clear the stack, so we do it,
\ draw it, then get out.
sp0 sp!
[ ppc? ] [if]
depth FOR drop NEXT \ on PPC, resetting the stack
\ pointer won't empty the stack!
ds: self
false -> clrStk?
idleCnt NIF 5 -> idleCnt ELSE 1 --> idleCnt THEN
depth lastDepth <> idleCnt 0= and \ draw if it's time and depth is difft
drawStack? or false -> drawStack? \ but if we're told, we draw anyway
ds: self
x1 ;m
:m IDLE: drawStack: self ;m
parLeft parTop parRight parTop setJust: self
0 0 0 100 setBounds: self ;m
stackView theStack
:class TEFview super{ view } \ For the TEFwind ContView
classinit: super
parLeft parTop parRight parBottom setJust: theTEscroller
0 102 0 0 setBounds: theTEscroller
TEFview TFV \ This will be the ContView
\ ============= Here's the main TEFwind class ===================
:class TEFwind super{ window+ }
handle BUFFER \ merely a place to manipulate the TEscrap handle
:m CUT:
cut: theTEscroller
fixPanRect: theTEscroller
caretIntoView: theTEscroller ;m
:m COPY:
copy: theTEscroller ;m
TEScrapHandle put: buffer size: buffer
size: theTEScroller + TESizeCheck
paste: theTEscroller
fixPanRect: theTEscroller
caretIntoView: theTEscroller ;m
clear: theTEscroller
fixPanRect: theTEscroller
caretIntoView: theTEscroller ;m
:m SelAll:
0 32767 setSelect: theTEscroller ;m
:m INSERT: { addr len -- }
size: theTEscroller len + TESizeCheck
addr len insert: theTEscroller ;m
:m INTERPRET: { \ echoCR? -- }
selEnd: theTEscroller selStart: theTEscroller =
IF \ nothing selected
getLine: theTEscroller ( addr len ) put: QEstr
true -> echoCR?
ELSE \ we have a hilited selection
handle: theTEscroller TECopy
TEScrapHandle put: buffer
lock: buffer
ptr: buffer size: buffer ( addr len ) put: QEstr
unlock: buffer
false -> echoCR?
lineEnd: theTEscroller dup setselect: theTEscroller
echoCR? IF cr THEN
evalFromQE flush_TWstr
:m KEY: \ ( char -- )
doing_key? IF drop EXIT THEN \ KEY is handling it - we
\ mustn't do anything here
CASE[ 3 ( enter ) ]=> interpret: self
[ 8 ( delete ) ]=> 8 key: theTEscroller \ delete
[ 9 ( tab ) ]=> 4 spaces
DEFAULT=> size: theTEscroller 1+ TESizeCheck
key: theTEscroller
:m ENABLE: enable: super newVecs ;m
:m DISABLE: disable: super ;m
:m DRAW:
ds: theStack
(draw): super
\ :m IDLE: idle: super ;m
:m TextHandle: textHandle: theTEscroller ;m
:m DUMP:
dump: theTEscroller ;m
handle tmpHndl
file WorksheetFile
0 value ^TW
" Worksheet" name: worksheetFile
'type TEXT 'type MSET set: worksheetfile
create: worksheetFile ?EXIT \ If we're on a network, this
\ may fail, so we just get out.
textHandle: [ ^TW ] put: tmpHndl lock: tmpHndl
ptr: tmpHndl size: tmpHndl write: worksheetFile drop
release: tmpHndl
close: worksheetFile drop ;
: GETWORKSHEET { \ adr n -- }
" Worksheet" name: worksheetFile
open: worksheetFile
IF .room EXIT THEN \ If it doesn't exist, we'll start a
\ new one with a .room display, and out.
size: worksheetFile -> n
n new: tmpHndl lock: tmpHndl
ptr: tmpHndl -> adr
adr n read: worksheetFile
dup -39 = if drop 0 then OK? \ We don't worry if the error
\ was endfile
bytesRead: worksheetFile -> n
close: worksheetFile drop
adr n insert: [ ^TW ]
release: tmpHndl ;
: DO_RUN_TE { TW-addr \ ^view left top rt bot sRt sBot -- }
-curs -echo
TW-addr -> ^TW
deep_classinit: [ ^TW ]
\ fWind? IF close: fWind THEN \ say goodbye to Mr. fwind
theStack addView: TFV theTEscroller addView: TFV
\ pause pause pause \ Get us to the front under sys 6
\ or the system clobbers scroll bars
20 -> left 50 -> top
520 -> rt 360 -> bot
screenbits -> sBot -> sRt 2drop
rt sRt min -> rt
bot sBot min -> bot
left top rt bot put: tempRect
screenbits true setGrow: [ ^TW ]
screenbits true setDrag: [ ^TW ]
true setZoom: [ ^TW ]
processor 1 >
IF true setColor: [ ^TW ] \ would be better to test for Color QD here
tempRect myDoc docWind true false TFV new: [ ^TW ]
true focus: theTEScroller
true -> emit? \ EMIT is now safe since we have a window
\ true -> relocChk?
xts{ xUndo null xCut xCopy xPaste xClear xSelAll null doPref }
3 init: EditMen
false -> fWindActive? \ Mustn't forget this!!
\ eventLoop
: BYE+ saveWorksheet bye ;
: xCut cut: [ ^TW ] ;
: xCopy copy: [ ^TW ] ;
: xPaste paste: [ ^TW ] ;
: xClear clear: [ ^TW ] ;
: xUndo nimpl ;
: xSelAll selAll: [ ^TW ] ;